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8:40 pm:游行队伍此时在布鲁克林大桥一侧的布鲁克林区相会,另有几百名群众正在返回自由广场。

8:23 pm: 据当地人在推特上说,布鲁克林桥上现在有了一个群众图书馆,一个示威者乐队和一个投影仪。

8:05 pm: 美国国际劳工联合会主席玛丽.凯.亨利在布鲁克林桥边被铺。

8:00 pm: 城市议会议员朱曼尼.威廉姆斯可能在布鲁克林桥下被捕了。

7:54 pm:游行总队伍8点钟在朝鲜战争纪念公园集合,位置正好在布鲁克林桥边。

7:52 pm: 推特网友@John Harkinson说,数千人伴随音乐、口号和支持者的汽车鸣笛声。气氛保持和平。

7:30 pm: 游行队伍在布鲁克林大桥的不断推进。参见:http://www.emergencystream.com/video_streams/NY/NYC3/a.html

7:22 pm:游行队伍不断高喊:“我们是不可阻挡的,一个新的世界即将诞生”

7:15 pm: 悬挂在布鲁克林大桥步行道上写有“占领华尔街”的一条巨大条幅由于交通拥堵而跌落,数百辆汽车鸣笛以示对此标语的支持。

7:09 pm:布鲁克林大桥上的灯光秀打出了“99%”、“占领地球”、“我们正在胜利”这些字样,其他的标语也在威瑞森大楼上打出,紧接着就是“占领华尔街运动生日快乐”的口号 ,由@occupywallst报道

7:06 pm: 据@jstetser 报道:警方的扫描设备估测,集会人群约有32650人,

7:01 pm:布鲁克林大桥市政厅站的入口被封闭。

7:00 pm:一股两千人左右的人潮在布鲁克林大桥上。

6:44 pm: 占领运河大道。 参见https://twitter.com/?photo_id=1#!/AnalectFilms/status/137290008620052481/photo/1

6:42 pm: 在布鲁克林大桥上 参见http://twitpic.com/7fjlrc

6:35 pm: 警察局恐吓报道记者,如果被逮捕,就会被公司除名!

6:30 pm:@JoshHarkinson 说,市政厅被封锁。

6:15 pm: 两万多人的游行队伍从福利广场涌向布鲁克林桥,高喊着:“谁的大桥?我们的大桥!”

5:30 pm:游行人群堵塞运河大道。

5:25 pm:纽约骑警开始出现在中央街道。

5:16 pm: 纽约大学哥伦比亚校区的人说:第五区被学生占领。

5:07 pm:更多的警察吹着警哨向福利广场进发。

5:00 pm: 高喊:彭博社请当心,自由广场无处不在

4:57 pm: 数千人沿着第7街区向南冲去,避开纽约警察设置的路障,与工会队伍和数千继续在弗利广场集会的群众汇合。

4:53 pm: 纽约大学委员会的Ydanis Rodriguez在自由广场的警察突袭中被逮捕,出现在福利广场。

4:52 pm:从西边来的游行队伍被警察设置的路障切断,终止在第14街区

4:47 pm: 第五区被堵塞!

4:42 pm:数千人躲开第14和第15街区的由百万富翁组织彭博社以公共基金名义支持的私人军队(暗指纽约警察),向西冲向第15街区

4:40 pm: 弗利广场传来阵阵乐声与口号声。

4:32 pm: 随着示威者继续涌出自由广场,涌向大路,第7和第6街区据报道也被抗议者占领。

4:26 pm:报道称弗利广场满是抗议者,纽约大学的学生正在路上;其他路线的示威者(包括来自自由广场的人)也在路上。

4:26 pm: 游行者与少量试图组织队伍进入第五区的警察对峙。

4:13 pm:向着弗利广场,数千学生和同志们涌出联合广场,冲进大街小巷,高喊着:“谁的街道!我们的街道!”

今天曼哈顿路上警察特别多,从华尔街到Penn Station都有。因为OWS要游行到Bloomberg 在东区79街的豪宅去“彻夜狂欢”,所以警察“无理由”封路。



Over 30,000 take Foley Square, Brooklyn Bridge.

Posted 3 days ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 4:41 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

At 3PM, thousands of students, workers, and other supporters gathered in Union Square chanting "Shut the city down!" and using the People"s Mic to share stories of how banks and corporate greed have impacted the 99%. Simultaneously, Occupiers took to multiple subway stations in all five boroughs. The day of action culminated when the student strike, labor unions, and various OWS groups took over a number of streets in Lower Manhattan on their way to Foley Square before marching across the Brooklyn Bridge.
Students chanted "CUNY should be free!" and "Student Power!" as they took to the streets along 16th and 5th Avenue, shutting down traffic and leaving police powerless to respond. Police attempts to erect barricades along 5th Avenue failed to block the march, as banners reading "OCCUPIED" were seen along New School buildings.
Huge crowds marched down Broadway toward Foley Square to join another large contingent of labor unions and fellow Occupiers. Despite a massive police presence and helicopters circling overhead, protestors took Foley Square, as marchers converged and supporters poured from the subways. Over 30,000 joined as one, marching across the Brooklyn Bridge, and proving to the world that an idea whose time has come cannot be evicted. The 1% might steal our homes, but they cannot steal our truth.

Live Updates

  • 8:40 pm: People"s Assembly currently happening on Brooklyn side of the Brooklyn Bridge; several hundred others are returning to Liberty Square
  • 8:23 pm: There is now a people"s library, a marching band and a projector on the Brooklyn Bridge, according to @occupywallst people on the ground
  • 8:05 pm: SEIU President Mary Kay Henry being arrested at the Brooklyn Bridge
  • 8:00 pm: City councilor Jumaane Williams may have been arrested at the foot of Brooklyn Bridge
  • 7:54 pm: General assembly held at 8 at the Korean War Memorial Park, just past Brooklyn Bridge.
  • 7:52 pm: From @John Harkinson, thousands of people with music, signs, honks of support. Everything peaceful.
  • 7:30 pm: The column marching on Brooklyn Bridge stretches about a mile long. From http://www.emergencystream.com/video_streams/NY/NYC3/a.html
  • 7:22 pm: chant: "we are unstoppable, a new world is possible!"
  • 7:15 pm: a massive banner reading "Occupy Wall Street" was dropped from the overhang of the pedestrian walkway on the Brooklyn Bridge in full view of traffic; hundreds of cars seen honking in support
  • 7:09 pm: A Light Show on Brooklyn Bridge is projecting "99%", "Occupy Earth" "we are winning" and other slogans of support on the side of the Verizon Building. Followed by "Happy Birthday OccupywallstNYC" Reported by @occupywallst
  • 7:06 pm: Police scanners estimate the crowd at 32,650 people. Reported by @jstetser
  • 7:01 pm: Entrance of Brooklyn Bridge City Hall station closed.
  • 7:00 pm: One source gives around 2,000 protesters on Brooklyn Bridge
  • 6:44 pm: https://twitter.com/?photo_id=1#!/AnalectFilms/status/137290008620052481/photo/1 - Taking Canal St.
  • 6:42 pm: http://twitpic.com/7fjlrc - On the Brooklyn Bridge.
  • 6:35 pm: From TheOther99, reports of NYPD intimidating the press, told Tim Pool he would have his press card revoked if he was arrested.
  • 6:30 pm: City Hall is locked down, from @JoshHarkinson
  • 6:15 pm: 20,000 marching towards Brooklyn Bridge from Foley Square, chanting "Whose Bridge? Our Bridge!"
  • 5:30 pm: #OWS shuts down Canal St.
  • 5:25 pm: NYPD cavalry begins to be appear on Centre Street.
  • 5:16 pm: 90 Fifth Avenue occupied by students from Pratt, Columbia, NYU, Hunter pic.twitter.com/lBNwUwpJ
  • 5:07 pm: more police sirens heard headed toward Foley
  • 5:00 pm: chant: "Bloomberg beware, Liberty Square is everywhere!"
  • 4:57 pm: thousands more run south on 7th Ave, evading NYPD barricades to meet Union allies and thousands more who are continuing to mass at Foley Square
  • 4:53 pm: Ydanis Rodriguez, NYC Council member who was arrested during raid on Liberty square, spotted at Foley
  • 4:52 pm: marchers headed from west end of 14th after cut off by police barricades
  • 4:47 pm: 5th ave has been shut down!
  • 4:42 pm: thousands outmaneuver Billionaire Bloomberg"s publicly funded private army at 14th and 5th ave and head West on 15th
  • 4:40 pm: music and chants can be heard emanating from Foley Square
  • 4:32 pm: as other marches continue heading down Broadway and from Liberty Square, 7th and 6th st are reported to have been taken by protesters
  • 4:26 pm: Foley reported full of protestors, NYU students still on their way; other feeder marches (including from Liberty Square) also en route
  • 4:26 pm: face off between marchers and a small number of police who are trying to prevent access onto 5th Ave
  • 4:13 pm: headed toward Foley Square, thousands of students and friends stream out of Union Square and into the streets chanting, "Whose streets? Our streets!"








“占领公路”运动的参与者预计今天下午2时30分左右到达麦克弗森广场,在那里他们将举行一场全面集会形式的新闻发布会(a General Assembly-style press conference)。之后,他们将从那里向自由广场(Freedom Plaza)和国会大厦出发,在国会大厦他们将讨论美国政府在向国民负责方面的失败。 

“华尔街拥有华盛顿,我们的政府不代表人民的利益。”占领华尔街运动的志愿者埃德-李约瑟说:“ 国会维护大银行、大公司和超级富豪的利益。这就是为什么占领运动每天都在壮大的原因。” 


March from Occupy Wall Street Arrives in Washington DC Today

Exposes Failure of Undemocratic Super-Committee Attempt to Squeeze the 99%

Super Committee Fail = Occupy Wall Street Win

Today an Occupy Wall Street initiative called ‘Occupy the Highway’ arrives in Washington DC, having marched from New York City. Two weeks ago, Occupy Wall Street participants in Manhattan embarked on the epic journey. Their goals were to make the new movement visible in more communities, to connect with other occupations along the way, and to further a national dialogue about how to reclaim our democracy. Their journey was timed to coincide with the announcement of the so-called Super Committee; to bring a message to Congress to end corporate welfare and tax breaks for the rich and to stimulate the economy by rebuilding the country"s infrastructure and investing in education, clean-energy and public health; items that are supported by the vast majority of Americans in poll after poll.

"The so-called Super Committee was a failure from the beginning. It was an attempt to do something undemocratic. Thankfully it didn"t work,” said Michael Glazer, an organizer of Occupy the Highway. “No one has the courage to stand up inside our corrupt political system and fight for regular Americans. So, we will continue to take a stand outside the system."

‘Occupy the Highway’ participants expect to arrive at McPherson Square at around 2:30pm today, where they will hold a General Assembly-style press conference. From there they will march to Freedom Plaza, and from there to the Capitol steps, where they will discuss the failure of the U.S. Government to be accountable to its people.

“Wall Street owns Washington. Our government is not representing the interests of the people,” said Ed Needham, a volunteer with Occupy Wall Street. "Congress is defending the big banks, big corporations and super-rich. This is why the Occupy Movement grows each day."














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责任编辑:RC 更新时间:2013-05-01 关键字:占领华尔街  







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