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采访时间:  2011-10-3 14:00
采访地址:  http://occupywallst.org/chat/
采访人:  我, ChinaFeng
受访人:  usotsuki

Flash 网址为: HTTP://cdn.livestream.com/grid/LSPlayer.swf?channel=globalrevolution&amp%EF%BC%9Bcolor=0xe7e7e7&amp%EF%BC%9BautoPlay=true&amp%EF%BC%9Bmute=false&amp%EF%BC%9BiconColorOver=0x888888&amp%EF%BC%9BiconColor=0x777777&amp%EF%BC%9Btype=.swf
在线网址为: http://www.livestream.com/globalrevolution      或者       http://livestre.am/PlNN


[14:20] <ChinaFeng> hi(你好)
[14:20] <usotsuki> np(你好)
[14:21] <ChinaFeng> Are you are the organizer?(你是组织者吗?)
[14:21] <usotsuki> no(不是)
[14:21] <ChinaFeng> @ mean what?(他的用户前面,有一个@符号,后面知道管理员才会有。)
[14:22] <usotsuki> I"m just someone who has a bit of experience handling channels(我负责管理聊天室)
[14:22] <usotsuki> channel moderator(聊天室的主持人)
[14:22] <ChinaFeng> i see (明白)
[14:22] <ChinaFeng> I am a Chinese website editor(我是一个中文网站的编辑。——泽注:我说谎,原谅我吧,呵呵)
[14:23] <usotsuki> nod(哦)
[14:23] <ChinaFeng> I want to report Wall Street revolution(我想报道华尔街革命)
[14:23] <usotsuki> I have been watching it from the sidelines :/(我只是在一边看)
[14:23] <usotsuki> I live about 600 km northwest of the city(我住在西北约600公里的城市)
[14:23] <usotsuki> too far to go down and protest myself :((太远了,不能亲自去抗议)
[14:24] <ChinaFeng>  can I interview you?(我可以采访你吗)
[14:24] <usotsuki> I suppose, but there"s not much I can really say, being mostly an observer(我想,但没有太多的可以说,我主要是观察者)
[14:25] <ChinaFeng> I want to know the general American Perspective(我想知道一般美国人的观点)
[14:26] <usotsuki> I"m not really the average American... since I"m disabled and lower-class(我真的不是变通的美国人…因为我是残疾人,处于社会下层)
[14:26] <usotsuki> so I have a different perspective than most Americans( 所以我的角度跟大多数美国人不同 )
[14:27] <ChinaFeng> It doesn"t matter.( 没有关系 )
[14:27] <usotsuki> lol( 哈哈 )
[14:27] <ChinaFeng> Just tell your real thoughts. ( 只要告诉我你的真实想法 )
[14:27] <ChinaFeng> will you ?( 可以吗 )
[14:27] <usotsuki> I suppose ( 我想可以 )
[14:28] <ChinaFeng> Let"s start ? ( 让我们开始吧? )
[14:28] <usotsuki> sure ( 好的 )
[14:28] <ChinaFeng> how old are you ? ( 你多大了? )
[14:32] <ChinaFeng> For cultural reasons, If I asked you to do not want to answer, Please remind me. ( 由于文化上的原因,如果我问你不想回答,请提醒我。 )
[14:32] <usotsuki> 31 ( 31岁 )
[14:32] <ChinaFeng> im 30  ( 我30岁 )
[14:32] <usotsuki> lol ( 哈哈 )
[14:32] <ChinaFeng> SO You are my brother ( 因此你是我哥哥。——泽注:套近乎,哈哈 )
[14:33] <usotsuki> *^^*( 呵呵 )
[14:33] <ChinaFeng> where are you live ( 你住哪里? )
[14:33] <usotsuki> Niagara Falls, NY, US ( 尼亚加拉大瀑布,纽约,美国 )
[14:34] <ChinaFeng> good ( 好的 )
[14:34] <ChinaFeng> What "s your occupation? ( 你的职业是什么 )
[14:35] <usotsuki> I don"t have one... I just collect a government check because I"m disabled ( 我没有工作…我只是一人领取政府救济的残疾人 )
[14:35] <ChinaFeng> i see ( 明白——泽注:我应该说“对不起”的 )
[14:36] <ChinaFeng> Do you support the Wall Street revolution? ( 你支持华尔街革命吗? )
[14:36] <usotsuki> yes ( 支持 )
[14:37] <ChinaFeng> You will join ( 你会参加 )
[14:37] <ChinaFeng> will you ?  ( 会吗 )
[14:37] <usotsuki> I would, if it were possible for me to go down there... in the meantime I have been mostly cheering from the sidelines ( 我想,如果我能去,我会去…同时我现在正在为他们喝彩 )
[14:39] <ChinaFeng> Do you think social injustice? ( 你认为社会不公吗?——泽注:我本意是想问,是否两极分化。 )
[14:39] <usotsuki> o.o? (没听懂)
[14:40] <ChinaFeng> What is the reason, led to the Wall Street, you think? ( 你认为,导致华尔街革命的原因是什么? )
[14:41] <ChinaFeng> I use translation tools to communicate with you. May be very slow. Please forgive me. ( 我使用翻译工具与你交流, 可能会很慢, 请见谅. )
[14:41] <usotsuki> I think it was partially the protests in Spain, and partially some people finally saw just how bad things had become with the economy here in the US, and couldn"t tolerate any more ( 我想一部分是因为受西班牙的影响,一部分是因为有些人看到美国的经济是多么糟糕,再也忍受不了了。 )
[14:42] <ChinaFeng> I will can read English, can not write. ( 我可以读英语,但是不会写英语。 )
[14:42] <usotsuki> *nod* ( 点头的意思 )
[14:43] <ChinaFeng> Economic result, right? ( 经济的原因导致的,是吗? )
[14:43] <usotsuki> yeah  ( 是的 )
[14:44] <ChinaFeng> So, This is an economy problem, Is not a political issue, Am I right? ( 因此,这是一个经济问题,而不是一个政治问题,对吗? )
[14:44] <usotsuki> I believe the two are connected ( 我相信两者是有联系的。 )
[14:45] <usotsuki> this was made worse by a recent Supreme Court case which allowed corporations to give unlimited contributions to politicians.( 还有一个原因,就是最近最高法院通过一个法案,允许企业给政治家以无限制的政治献金。 )
[14:45] <ChinaFeng> The United States is rich  ( 美国是富有的。 )
[14:45] <usotsuki> our politicians, our congressmen, are bought and paid for by the corporations... they do not hear the voice of the people, they only hear the sound of money ( 我们的政治家,我们的国会议员,被公司收买。他们听不到人民的声音,他们只听到金钱的声音。 )
[14:46] <usotsuki> so, really, it is both economic and political ( 所以,真的,它是经济和政治两者的原因。 )
[14:46] <ChinaFeng> give unlimited contributions to politicians——when? ( 无限制的政治献金?——什么时候的事? )
[14:47] <usotsuki> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizens_United_v._Federal_Election_Commission <-- this decision ( 一个网址,是维基百科,里面讲述这个法案的细节 )
[14:47] <ChinaFeng> i do not know about that ( 我不知道这件事情 )
[14:47] <ChinaFeng> good ( 好的 )
[14:48] <usotsuki> the banks have also been gambling on people"s mortgages, home loans ( 银行在人们的抵押贷款、和房屋贷款上押宝。)
[14:48] <usotsuki> this is all interconnected, really( 这都是相互关联的,真的 )
[14:48] <usotsuki> banks getting richer, regular people getting screwed out of everything they have, corporations (including the banks) are growing while everyone else is feeling the hurt... ( 银行越来越富,普通人越来越拧出他们所拥有的一切,企业(包括银行)越赚越多,而其他人是感觉的伤害… )
[14:49] <usotsuki> it"s all about the quick buck, fast money ( 都是因为急功近利、想赚快钱 )
[14:49] <ChinaFeng> The government for the rich   ( 政府为富人服务 )
[14:49] <usotsuki> and they write laws for Congress, which the congressmen pass, which give more benefits to them, at the cost of everyone else. ( 他们为国会写法律,国会议员会通过,从而使他们获取更多的利益,但是牺牲其他人的利益。 )
[14:49] <usotsuki> Exactly  ( 完全正确 )
[14:50] <ChinaFeng> is"t it?  ( 是吗? )
[14:50] <ChinaFeng> ok  ( 好的 )
[14:51] <ChinaFeng> It is also a political reason. Am I right (它也是一个政治原因,对吗?)
[14:52] <usotsuki> yes ( 是的 )
[14:52] <ChinaFeng> For political reasons, leading to economic reasons.( 由于政治原因,导致经济原因。 )
[14:52] <usotsuki> I guess they feed off each other ( 我猜他们互相影响。 )
[14:53] <ChinaFeng> Rich people have more money. Buying power. ( 富人们有越来越多的钱,他们购买权力。 )
[14:53] <usotsuki> yes( 是的 )
[14:53] <ChinaFeng> i see ( 我明白了。 )
[14:54] <ChinaFeng> Many Chinese think. The American people are very rich. ( 很多中国人认为,美国人很富有。 )
[14:54] <usotsuki> maybe relatively speaking( 也许相对来说是的 )
[14:54] <usotsuki> but stuff costs more ( 但是消费也很高 )
[14:55] <usotsuki> I don"t know how much my $761 a month government disability benefit compares to what someone might get in China, or my $200 "food stamp" allocation ( 我不知道,我每月761美元的政府残疾福利,跟中国比会是一个什么样的水平,我还有200美元的“粮票”分配 )
[14:55] <usotsuki> that could probably buy much more there, than here  (这些在中国可能会买到更多)
[14:56] <ChinaFeng>  "food stamp" ? ( 粮票? )
[14:57] <ChinaFeng> Your monthly income is $961. Am I right? ( 你的月收入是961美元,对吗? )
[14:57] <usotsuki> it"s actually a debit card... people with low incomes who qualify for this get a fixed amount of money every month which is only usable on food( 它实际上是一个借记卡…符合低收入标准的人,每个月都获得一个固定数额的钱,只能用来购买食品 )
[14:57] <usotsuki> yeah  (是的)
[14:57] <usotsuki> that is, for an American, low ( 这对一个美国人而言,太低了。 )
[14:58] <ChinaFeng> Your monthly expenses for food. How much is it ?  ( 你每个月用在食品上面的开销,是多少钱? )
[14:59] <usotsuki> About $200... but if I weren"t limited by income, I would probably be spending close to $300 or more ( 200美元…但如果我不是因为收入有限,我可能会花费将近300美元或更多 )
[15:00] <usotsuki> cheap convenience foods... as opposed to real foodstuffs that cost more to buy ( 廉价的方便食品…而真正的食品价格更高 )
[15:00] <ChinaFeng> Our average income is $500 ( 我们的平均收入500美元左右。——泽注:好像报高了,原谅我吧,我不能报太低,原因你知道的。:P )
[15:01] <usotsuki> yeah, but you probably have a much lower cost of living( 是的,但你可能有更低的生活成本:P )
[15:01] <ChinaFeng> :P
[15:02] <usotsuki> as an example, a 620g loaf of the cheapest kind of bread costs $1.79( 举个例子,一个620g块最便宜的面包的价格1.79美元 )
[15:03] <ChinaFeng> About US $0.5 ( 我们0.5美元左右——泽注:3块钱人民币,可以买到1斤重的面包吗?我有点怀凝,呵呵。 )
[15:03] <usotsuki> yeah ( 是呀 )
[15:03] <usotsuki> things are more expensive here ( 这里东西更贵 )
[15:05] <ChinaFeng> Fast food about $2 a time.( 我们这里的快餐大概2美元——泽注:我是指深圳平时在小饭店吃的快餐。 )
[15:05] <usotsuki> yeah.  a meal at McDonalds here is about $5.50 ( 是啊。一顿麦当劳在这里大约是$ 5.50 )
[15:07] <ChinaFeng> Chicken burger, how much? ( 鸡肉汉堡,多少钱? )
[15:07] <usotsuki> the cheapest one"s $1( 最便宜的是1美元 )
[15:08] <ChinaFeng> About US $2( 我们这里是2美元。 )
[15:08] <ChinaFeng> McDonalds Chicken burger $2 ( 麦当劳鸡肉汉堡2美元。 )
[15:08] <usotsuki> it"s a small one though lol( 是一个很小的吧,呵呵 )
[15:09] <usotsuki> and just the burger, if you bought the smallest fries and drink with that, that"s another $2 ( 只是汉堡吧,如果你买了最小的薯条和饮料,那又是2美元 )
[15:09] <ChinaFeng> McDonalds Chicken burger. The price is too high. The rich man will eat( 麦当劳鸡肉汉堡。价格太高了。有钱人才会吃 )
[15:10] <usotsuki> McDonalds is junk food ( 麦当劳是垃圾食品 )
[15:10] <usotsuki> some of the worst stuff that can be called a "meal" ( 一些最坏的东西,可以被称为一个“饭” )
[15:10] <usotsuki> but around here, it"s dirt cheap...and that"s why it sells ( 但在这里,它太便宜了……这就是为什么还在卖 )
[15:11] <ChinaFeng> Many Chinese like American culture. So, they eat McDonald"s ( 很多中国人喜欢美国文化。所以,他们吃麦当劳 )
[15:11] <usotsuki> lol ( 哈哈 )
[15:12] <usotsuki> American *culture* ?  What culture?  lol ( 美国文化?什么文化?哈哈 )
[15:12] <ChinaFeng> The majority of the Chinese people. Don"t like McDonald"s. Very expensive. Not affordable. ( 大多数的中国人。不喜欢麦当劳。非常昂贵。负担不起。 )
[15:12] <usotsuki> lol ( 哈哈 )
[15:13] <usotsuki> all for the better really ( 这更好,真的 )
[15:13] <usotsuki> all that junk is why we"re so fat ( 那些个垃圾食品,让我们变得那么胖。 )
[15:14] <ChinaFeng> McDonald"s. In you that is cheap. Here is very expensive.( 麦当劳,你们那里非常便宜,我们这里非常昂贵。 )
[15:14] <usotsuki> then again, I eat junk food of every kind...not just American ( 再说,我吃很多种吃垃圾食品……不只是美国的垃圾食品 )
[15:14] <usotsuki> yeah (是的)
[15:15] <ChinaFeng> i see. This is a different.  ( 我明白了,这是一种区别。 )

[15:16] <ChinaFeng> Let us continue. ( 让我们继续吧。 )
[15:16] <usotsuki> xD( 这个符号什么意思?我没看懂…… )
[15:16] <ChinaFeng> Do you doubt the capitalist system? (你怀疑资本主义制度吗?)
[15:17] <usotsuki> I think there are things about it that work.  But it can"t work without very strict limits.  ( 我觉得有事情工作。但如果没有严格的限制,它就不能工作。 )
[15:17] <ChinaFeng> Polarization is a problem  ( 两极分化是一个问题 )
[15:17] <usotsuki> I like to compare large corporations to the balls from Katamari Damacy ( 我喜欢把大公司比作一个大雪球 )
[15:18] <usotsuki> they roll around, picking up anything they roll over, and get bigger, heavier, more powerful( 它们滚来滚去,把任何东西都滚进去,越滚越大,越滚越重,越滚越强大。 )
[15:18] <usotsuki> that"s not good for anyone other than themselves ( 这个只对他们自己有好处,对别人没有好处。 )
[15:19] <ChinaFeng> Capitalism leads to polarization. Am I right ( 资本主义导致两极分化,对吗? )
[15:19] <usotsuki> I guess you could say that( 我猜你会那样说。 )
[15:20] <ChinaFeng> In your opinion?( 在你看来呢? )
[15:21] <ChinaFeng> In your opinion, what is reason?( 在你看来,原因是什么? )
[15:21] <usotsuki> to me, the end of unrestricted capitalism is that you wind up with less and less companies, and in the end there is only one( 我认为,不受限制的资本主义,会导致公司越来越少,最后将只有一家公司。 )
[15:21] <usotsuki> the reason is greed ( 是因为贪婪。 )
[15:21] <ChinaFeng> yes  ( 是的 )
[15:22] <ChinaFeng> i agree  ( 我同意 )
[15:22] <usotsuki> I don"t think either pure capitalism or pure socialism will work, because they rely on absolutes.  capitalism is greed, socialism is altruism.  you can"t completely eliminate one or the other.  I guess it"s like that one circle with the black and white swirl, the yin/yang symbol ( 我不认为是纯粹的资本主义或社会主义将有效,因为他们都是绝对的。资本主义是利已主义,社会主义是利他主义。你不能完全消除一个或另一个。我想,就像那一圈黑色和白色漩涡,阴/阳符号————泽注:这个话好有哲理,我表示很佩服、很佩服! )
[15:22] <ChinaFeng> Have you ever thought of. How to solve?  ( 你有没有想过,如何解决? )
[15:22] <usotsuki> I...never really gave it that much thought. ( 我真的从未想那么多。 )
[15:24] <ChinaFeng> Many of us, hope Chinese learning the United States of America. ( 我们中的许多人,希望中国学习美国。 )
[15:24] <usotsuki> I"d like to see the US learn from the rest of the world. ( 我想看到我们借鉴世界其他地区。 )
[15:24] <ChinaFeng> More and more people, hoping to return to socialism. ( 越来越多的人,希望回归社会主义。 )
[15:25] <usotsuki> yeah, I see what capitalism is doing there in a supposedly socialist state ( 是的,我看到了所谓的社会主义国家正在发展资本主义。 )
[15:25] <usotsuki> two words... FoxConn suicides ( 两个字…富士康自杀——译注:我哭…… )
[15:25] <ChinaFeng> Our problem is. We have a lot of corrupt officials. ( 我们的问题是。我们有很多贪官。 )
[15:26] <usotsuki> certainly... every government does ( 当然了。每一个政府都这样 )
[15:27] <ChinaFeng> We believe that the United States government officials are honest. ( 我们相信,美国政府官员都是诚实的。 )
[15:27] <ChinaFeng> We believe that the United States government officials are honest. No corruption ( 我们相信,美国政府官员都是诚实的、不贪污。 )
[15:27] <usotsuki> ROFL ( 爆笑 )
[15:27] <usotsuki> there"s plenty of corruption.  you can bank on that ( 有大量的腐败。你可以在银行——译注:bank on什么意思? )
[15:29] <ChinaFeng> Because you have an election. So officials not corrupt. We have a lot of people think so. ( 因为你有选举。所以官员不腐败。我们有很多人这样认为。 )
[15:29] <usotsuki> you really think the elections aren"t rigged?  ( 你真的认为选举不作弊? )
[15:30] <usotsuki> a lot of us are certain that George W. Bush"s second victory in 2004 was the result of a rigged election ( 我们很多人都是一定的,小布什的胜利,2004是由于选举舞弊 )
[15:30] <ChinaFeng> I really don"t  know. ( 我真的不知道。 )
[15:31] <usotsuki> xD; ( 译注:这个符号什么意思? )
[15:31] <usotsuki> they"re definitely rigged ( 他们肯定作弊 )
[15:31] <usotsuki> we have the illusion of choice.  but there really isn"t one. ( 我们有幻想的选择。但真的没有一个。 )
[15:31] <usotsuki> we have two parties... evil and eviller ( 我们有两个政党,一个邪恶的 和一个更邪恶的。 )
[15:32] <usotsuki> we haven"t had a third-party or non-party president since George Washington ( 自华盛顿总统以后,我们没有第三政党或无党派的总统。 )
[15:33] <ChinaFeng> China has some socialist. No change.( 中国有一些社会主义。没有改变。 )
[15:33] <ChinaFeng> Do you want to know about it? ( 你想知道吗? )
[15:33] <usotsuki> you prolly came closest to really being socialist under Mao  ( 你们可能更接近于毛主席领导下的社会主义 )
[15:34] <ChinaFeng> Do you know Chairman Mao? ( 你知道毛主席? )
[15:35] <usotsuki> I know a little, not much ( 知道一点,不多。 )
[15:35] <ChinaFeng> Do you think that communism is evil? ( 你认为共产主义是邪恶的吗?——译注:因为以前跟好几个美国朋友聊天,他们说共产主义是邪恶的,所以有此一问。 )
[15:36] <usotsuki> not entirely... just that misguided people use the word for something that hardly bears a resemblance to communism as defined ( 不完全是…只是受误导的人们使用这个词,几乎酷似共产主义的定义。 )
[15:37] <usotsuki> the typical Stalin-like fascist totalitarian regime where there are still two classes... a working class and an upper class... and the upper class just happens to be the government( 典型的斯大林一样的法西斯极权政权仍然有两班…一个工人阶级和上层阶级…上层阶级就是政府 )
[15:37] <ChinaFeng> The American people know. But I do not know the solution. Am I right( 美国人民知道,但我不知道的解决方案,对吗? )
[15:37] <usotsuki> there"s still corruption, there"s still the typical ills of capitalism ( 仍有腐败,仍然有典型的资本主义弊端 )
[15:37] <usotsuki> well... I think when Americans think of communism, they think of Josef Stalin. ( 嗯……我想当美国人想到共产主义,他们会想到斯大林。 )
[15:38] <usotsuki> he took real communists and exiled or executed them. ( 他把真正的共产党人流放或处死 )
[15:40] <ChinaFeng> May be true. If that is the case. it is not communism. ( 可能是真的。如果是这样的话。它不是共产主义。 )
[15:40] <usotsuki> right( 对呀 )
[15:41] <ChinaFeng> I think we should to taxes on the rich. Give money to the poor. ( 我认为我们应该向富人征税。给穷人钱。 )
[15:41] <usotsuki> communism is beautiful in theory.  but it fails because most people are greedy. ( 共产主义是美好的理论。但失败了,是因为大多数人是贪婪的。 )
[15:41] <usotsuki> well, I agree completely. ( 对,我完全同意。 )
[15:42] <ChinaFeng> taxes on the rich. Give money to the poor. I call this socialism. ( 向富人征税。给穷人钱。我把这种社会主义。 )
[15:42] <usotsuki> well, yeah, basically ( 嗯,是的,这是最基本的 )
[15:42] <ChinaFeng> Ha-ha ( 呵呵 )
[15:43] <ChinaFeng> We now have too much capitalism. We need capitalism. The protection of the poor.
[15:43] <ChinaFeng> We now have too much capitalism. We need to socialism. The protection of the poor. ( 我们现在有太多的资本主义。我们需要社会主义。保护穷人。 )
[15:43] <usotsuki> capitalism gives people, I guess, a reason to work harder... socialism gives them a safety net for when things don"t work ( 我想,资本主义给人一个更加努力工作的理由…而社会主义给他们一个安全网,当工作不能解决问题的时候。 )
[15:47] <ChinaFeng> In socialism. The country has a large state-owned enterprise. has bank. Ownership of land. has mine. The Poor  have The country. ( 在社会主义。国家拥有大型国有企业。拥有银行。拥有土地所有权。穷人拥有国家。 )
[15:49] <usotsuki> it is social services (social in the same sense as socialism) that keep a roof over my head, food on my table( 它是社会服务(社会在同一意义上的社会主义),保持在我头上的屋顶,食物在桌上 )
[15:49] <ChinaFeng> All the poor of the National People"s congress. The National People"s Congress in governing the country. ( 所有的穷人组成全国人民代表大会。全国人民代表大会在治理国家。 )
[15:49] <usotsuki> now, see, that organization is a single point of failure ( 现在,看到,该组织是一个单点故障 )
[15:50] <ChinaFeng> This is our socialist goals ( 这是我们的社会主义的目标 )
[15:50] <usotsuki> yes ( 是的 )
[15:50] <usotsuki> but it is possible for the single point of failure to be corrupted ( 但它有可能被单点故障所破坏 )
[15:51] <ChinaFeng> I hope the American people to find their targets. ( 我希望美国人民找到自己的目标。 )
[15:52] <ChinaFeng> No goal, no success. You are on the way. Ha-ha ( 没有目标,就没有成功。你们已经上路了。哈哈 )
[15:52] <usotsuki> lol( 哈哈 )
[15:53] <ChinaFeng> Thank you very much for talking to me. Thank you. ( 非常感谢你对我说话。谢谢你。 )
[15:53] <usotsuki> no prob (没问题)



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