research documenting the limitations, risks, and alternatives
作者:迈克尔·安东尼 博士
Dr. Michael Antoniou
King’s College London School of Medicine Department
of Medical and Molecular Genetics
翻译:義成 莎莎 mountriver nicename
• 有毒性,可引起过敏症,或者比它们的自然相关物种更少营养;
• 能够破坏生态系统,伤害脆弱的植物和野生动物种群,并且损害生物多样性
• 从长期看,增加了(农药、除草剂)化学品的投放;
• 与传统作物相比,实现产量不是更好,而是往往更糟糕;
• 造成或加剧了社会和经济问题的范围;
• 是实验室制造的,一旦被释放,有害的转基因生物不能被从环境中召回。
• 立即出现于食用一种已知是转基因(尽管其不被标记)的食品之后,这种反应被称作急性毒性。
• 引起完全不同于常见疾病的症状;如果转基因食品造成了普通的或缓慢发作的象过敏或癌症之类疾病的上升,则没有人会知道是什么引起这样的上升。
• 是肉眼可见的强烈而明显;没有人用显微镜去检查个人身体组织的损害,在他们吃了转基因食品之后。但是,需要这样的检查类型以便对诸如癌前变化等问题发出预警。
然而,有迹象表明美国食品供应并非很好。由美国疾病控制中心提供的报告显示,在1994年(就在转基因食品商业化之前)至1999年的几年中,与食物有关的疾病增加了2至10倍 [7]。是否与转基因食品有关联?没有人知道,因为其对人类(健康影响)的研究还没有完成。
• 被喂食转基因西红柿的大鼠产生了胃溃疡[8];
• 被喂食转基因大豆的小鼠,其肝脏、胰腺、睾丸功能受到扰乱[9,10,11];
• 转基因豌豆给小鼠造成过敏反应[12];
• 被喂食转基因油菜的大鼠得了肝脏肿大,这往往是毒性标志[13];
• 用转基因马铃薯喂食大鼠造成其肠道内壁的过度增长,类似癌前状态[14,15];
• 被喂食可产生抗虫成分转基因玉米的大鼠生长很慢,遭受肝、肾功能问题折磨,并在其血液中显示某些脂肪的更高水平[16];
• 超过三代被喂食可产生抗虫成分转基因玉米的大鼠,遭受肝、肾伤害的折磨,并且出现了血液生化指标的变更[17];
• 被喂食可产生抗虫成分转基因玉米的年老与年幼的小鼠,在免疫系统细胞群和生化活力方面出现了显著的紊乱[18];
• 超过四代被喂食可产生抗虫成分转基因玉米的小鼠,显示出在各器官(肝、脾、胰腺)中异常结构变化的增加,重大变化在于其内脏中基因功能的模式,反映了这个器官系统的化学反应的紊乱(例如,在胆固醇制造,蛋白质制造和降解),以及最重要的,生育率下降[19];
• 终生(24个月)被喂食转基因大豆的小鼠在它们的肝脏中显示更严重的衰老迹象[20];
• 被喂食转基因大豆的兔子表现出肾和心脏中酶功能的紊乱[21]。
• 超过三代被喂食可产生抗虫成分转基因Bt玉米的绵羊显示母羊的消化系统功能紊乱而其羔羊的肝脏和胰腺功能紊乱[22]。
• 在转基因饲料喂养的羊的消化道中,转基因DNA被发现存在处理情况并被检测到。这就提出了一个可能性,即抗生素耐药性与Bt杀虫基因可以进入肠道细菌[23],一种已知的水平基因转移。水平基因转移能够导致对抗生素有抗药性的致病细菌(“超级细菌”)以及可能导致带有潜在有害后果的Bt杀虫成分在肠道中产生。多年来管理者和生物技术行业声称水平基因转移不会发生于转基因DNA;但这一研究挑战了这种声称。
• 饲料中的转基因DNA被动物的器官吸纳。少量的转基因DNA出现在人们食用的牛奶和肉类中[24,25,26]。(转基因DNA)对动物与食用它们的人群的健康影响还没有被研究。
·人类志愿者试吃转基因大豆豆粕表明,转基因的DNA在加工过程中能够生存,并在消化道中可以检测到。有证据表明基因横向转移到了肠道细菌中。[36 37]抗生素耐药性的基因横向转移和通过转基因食品进入肠道细菌的Bt杀虫基因是一个极其严重的问题。这是因为经过基因改造后的肠道细菌能对抗生素产生抗药性,或成为Bt杀虫剂工厂。虽然Bt的自然形态已被安全地作为农业杀虫剂使用多年,转基因的Bt毒素已进入农作物,在实验室动物试验中被发现对健康有潜在的不良影响[38 39 40]
·基因改造过程本身可能导致有害的影响。转基因马铃薯引起多个器官系统的毒性反应。[43 44]转基因豌豆引起了2倍的过敏反应 - 转基因蛋白有过敏性,刺激对其它食品成分的过敏反应。[45]这就提出了一个问题,转基因食品是否会导致增加对其它物质的过敏。
由世界银行和联合国粮食和农业组织最近的报告发现,生物燃料热潮是当前粮食危机的主要原因。[46 47 ]但转基因作物生产商和经销商继续推动生物燃料的扩张。这表明,他们的首要工作是赚钱,而不是养活世界。
转基因作物促进工业农业在世界各地扩张并削弱了小农经济。这是一个问题严重的发展,有大量证据显示,小农场比大农场更有效率,每公顷土地能生产更多的作物。[48 49 50 51 52]
联合国农业知识、科学和技术促进发展国际评估(IAASTD)报告[58]在2008年强调,基因改造不增加产量的潜力。这份关于农业未来的报告,由400名科学家撰写,并得到58个政府的支持,该报告指出,转基因农作物的产量“充满变数”,并在某些情况下 “产量下降”。报告同时指出,“该技术的评估滞后于其发展,信息传闻矛盾,以及可能带来的利益和损害的不确定性是不可避免的。”
这项研究还区分传统育种方法所造成的产量影响和的基因性状造成的产量影响。生物科技公司利用常规育种和分子标记辅助育种,生产更高产的作物,最后以基因工程改造为耐除草剂或抗虫基因已成为常见的现象。在这种情况下,更高的产量不是由于基因工程而是由传统的育种方法获得的。 “失败的收益率” 梳理出这些区别并分析了基因工程和常规育种对增产作出的不同贡献。
这项研究的批评人士持反对意见,认为它不使用来自发展中国家的数据。忧思科学家联盟回应说,评价在发展中国家转基因作物对产量的贡献,同行评审的论文很少– 这不足以得出明确和可靠的结论。然而,发展中国家最广泛种植的食品/饲料作物,耐除草剂大豆,提供了一些线索。来自阿根廷的数据表明,阿根廷转基因大豆的种植增长超过了任何其它发展中国家,这意味着转基因品种的产量与传统的非转基因大豆相同,或比传统的非转基因大豆低。[60]
“如果我们要战胜由于人口过剩和气候变化导致的饥饿,我们将需要增加作物产量,”古里安-谢尔曼博士说, “传统的育种优于基因工程。” [61]
该抗病毒甘薯一直是非洲的基本转基因展示项目,引发了大量的全球媒体报道。负责该项目的弗洛伦斯·万布古,孟山都训练有素的科学家,已被媒体报道为非洲女英雄和数以百万计人的救世主,根据她的宣称,转基因马铃薯在肯尼亚的产量翻了一番。福布斯杂志甚至宣称,她是全球各地将“彻底改观”未来的极少数人中的一个。[62]然而,最后发现,这项关于转基因甘薯的宣称是不真实的,田间试验结果显示,转基因农作物是失败的。[63 64]
木薯是非洲最重要的食物来源,从20世纪90年代中期开始,非洲开始大力宣传基因工程的前景,通过对抗木薯中的某种致命性病毒而实现大规模增产。甚至有种说法认为利用转基因技术使木薯产量提高10倍就能解决非洲的温饱问题。[66] 但这项技术成果寥寥。即使转基因木薯已经明显遇到技术障碍时[67],当地媒体仍继续报道这项技术会如何解决非洲人民的吃饭问题。[68 69] 同时,非转基因木薯中已经悄然出现抗病毒植株,即使在干旱条件下这种木薯仍显著增产。[70]
·美国每年种植业和畜牧业需要消耗约7.2夸特(能源单位,1夸特相当于18000万桶石油的热能)化石能源。 [74 75]
最普遍的抗杀虫剂型转基因作物对农达牌除草剂具有抗药性。但是随着农达牌除草剂的广泛使用,出现了无数种对这种除草剂免疫的杂草,[82]如藜[83],黑麦草[84]和抗草甘膦杉叶藻[85]等。美国刚引进转基因作物时,一般除草剂的用量开始下降,而出现抗药性杂草之后,除草剂重新升温。[86 87 ]农民不得不改变耕作习惯来对付这些抗药性杂草,疯狂加大农达的用量。并且市场上开始流行更强效的混合除草剂,而不仅限于农达。[88 89]
加拿大政府在2001年的一项研究表明,抗药性转基因油菜在商业化种植仅仅4-5年之后,通过交叉授粉已经导致了顽固性杂草的出现,这种杂草对三种不同的全效除草剂均有抗药性,成为困扰农民的一大问题,并波及相邻农田的主人。[91 92 93]
另有发现表明,转基因油菜能和其它植物(如野芥子和野萝卜)交叉授粉并把抗药性基因遗传给这些植物。这样一来,这些植物变种成顽固性杂草的可能性便会增加。[94]针对这一情况,业内的回应是增加除草剂的用量、使用复杂的混合除草剂[95 96]、培育能抵抗新型、混合型除草剂的作物。这种对策显然会导致化学药剂的恶性循环,难以让人接受,尤其对发展中国家的农民而言更是如此。
杀虫剂产生型的Bt转基因作物已经显示出能抵御害虫,是加大了化学药剂的应用的结果。[97 98 99]
在中国和印度,Bt转基因棉花最初在消灭棉花象鼻虫方面很有效。但是对第二代的害虫,特别是像粉蚧科的介壳虫是高度抵抗Bt毒素的,且迅速代替它的地位。农民们承受了大规模的作物减产,还不得不使用高成本的农药,从而抹掉了他们的的利润数字。[100 101 102 103]这样的发展在发展中国家是对农民非常有损害性的,因为发展中国家承担不起昂贵的投入。
那种声称Bt转基因作物能减少杀虫剂的使用的观点是愚蠢的,因为Bt作物是自我杀虫的。 法国科恩大学的吉尔斯•艾瑞克萨拉利尼说,Bt作物实际上是被设计出来要产生毒素来抵御害虫的,Bt转基因的茄子(茄子即紫色茄子)产生了大量的毒素,每公斤16-17毫克。它们能毒害动物,不幸的是,未能试验来确定它们对人类的的影响效力。[104]
英国政府资助的农场层面农业方面的试验表明,抵制除莠剂(阻碍植物生长的化学剂)的作物的生长(例如糖萝卜、油菜籽油菜)可以消减野生物的种群数量。[105 106]
在阿根廷,大量转型农业的转基因黄豆产品已经在农村社区和经济结构方面发生了灾难性的后果。它损害了食品安全并且引起了相当规模的环境问题,包括抵御除莠剂的杂草蔓延,土壤质量退化和害虫增加以及作物疾病频发。[107 108]
Bt转基因自生杀虫剂作物伤害无关昆虫群体,包括蝴蝶[109 110 111]和一些有益的扑食其他害虫的益虫。[112]从Bt转基因作物中生发出来的杀虫剂还会污染毒害水中生命[113]和土壤中的生物有机体[114]。有一项研究披露,Bt转基因自生杀虫剂作物对益虫是有更加负面的打击而不是正面的影响。[115]
许多权威机构,包括IAASTD关于农业前景123的报告,发现转基因作物对全球农业的改善和对抗贫穷饥馑气候变化几乎没什么贡献,因为存在更好的替代。它们多种多样可以列举很多,包括整合害虫管理,有机生物,有保障可持续的,低投入,非化学害虫管理和农业生物农场,它们的扩展可以超越彼此的特别的领域界限。在发展中世界专门项目应用这些经过证实的战略已经增加了相当的产量和粮食安全。[124 125 126 127 128 129]
research documenting the limitations, risks, and alternatives
Proponents claim that genetically modified (GM) crops:
• are safe to eat and more nutritious
• benefit the environment
• reduce use of herbicides and insecticides
• increase crop yields, thereby helping farmers and solving the food crisis
• create a more affluent, stable economy
• are just an extension of natural breeding, and have no risks different from naturally bred crops.
However, a large and growing body of scientific research and on-the-ground experience indicate that GMOs fail to live up to these claims. Instead, GM crops:
• can be toxic, allergenic or less nutritious than their natural counterparts
• can disrupt the ecosystem, damage vulnerable wild plant and animal populations and harm biodiversity
• increase chemical inputs (pesticides, herbicides) over the long term
• deliver yields that are no better, and often worse, than conventional crops
• cause or exacerbate a range of social and economic problems
• are laboratory-made and, once released, harmful GMOs cannot be recalled from the environment.
The scientifically demonstrated risks and clear absence of real benefits have led experts to see GM as a clumsy, outdated technology. They present risks that we need not incur, given the availability of effective, scientifically proven, energy-efficient and safe ways of meeting current and future global food needs.
This paper presents the key scientific evidence – 114 research studies and other authoritative documents – documenting the limitations and risks of GM crops and the many safer, more effective alternatives available today.
Is GM an extension of natural plant breeding?
Natural reproduction or breeding can only occur between closely related forms of life (cats with cats, not cats with dogs; wheat with wheat, not wheat with tomatoes or fish). In this way, the genes that offspring inherit from parents, which carry information for all parts of the body, are passed down the generations in an orderly way.
GM is not like natural plant breeding. GM uses laboratory techniques to insert artificial gene units to re-programme the DNA blueprint of the plant with completely new properties. This process would never happen in nature. The artificial gene units are created in the laboratory by joining fragments of DNA, usually derived from multiple organisms, including viruses, bacteria, plants and animals. For example, the GM gene in the most common herbicide resistant soya beans was pieced together from a plant virus, a soil bacterium and a petunia plant.
The GM transformation process of plants is crude, imprecise, and causes widespread mutations, resulting in major changes to the plant’s DNA blueprint1. These mutations unnaturally alter the genes’ functioning in unpredictable and potentially harmful ways2, as detailed below. Adverse effects include poorer crop performance, toxic effects, allergic reactions, and damage to the environment.
Are GM foods safe to eat?
Contrary to industry claims, GM foods are not properly tested for human safety before they are released for sale3 4. In fact, the only published study directly testing the safety of a GM food on humans found potential problems5. To date, this study has not been followed up.
Typically the response to the safety question is that people have been eating GM foods in the United States and elsewhere for more than ten years without ill effects and that this proves that the products are safe. But GM foods are not labelled in the US and other nations where they are widely eaten and consumers are not monitored for health effects.
Because of this, any health effects from a GM food would have to meet unusual conditions before they would be noticed. The health effects would have to:
• occur immediately after eating a food that was known to be GM (in spite of its not being labeled). This kind of response is called acute toxicity.
• cause symptoms that are completely different from common diseases. If GM foods caused a rise in common or slow-onset diseases like allergies or cancer, nobody would know what caused the rise.
• be dramatic and obvious to the naked eye. Nobody examines a person’s body tissues with a microscope for harm after they eat a GM food. But just this type of examination is needed to give early warning of problems such as pre-cancerous changes.
To detect important but more subtle effects on health, or effects that take time to appear (chronic effects), long-term controlled studies on larger populations are required.
Under current conditions, moderate or slow-onset health effects of GM foods could take decades to become known, just as it took decades for the damaging effects of trans-fats (another type of artificial food) to be recognized. ‘Slow poison’ effects from trans-fats have caused millions of premature deaths across the world6.
Another reason why any harmful effects of GM foods will be slow to surface and less obvious is because, even in the United States, which has the longest history of GM crop consumption, GM foods account for only a small part of the US diet (maize is less than 15% and soya bean products are less than 5%).
Nevertheless, there are signs that all is not well with the US food supply. A report by the US Centers for Disease Control shows that food-related illnesses increased 2- to 10-fold in the years between 1994 (just before GM food was commercialised) and 19997. Is there a link with GM food? No one knows, because studies on humans have not been done.
Animal studies on GM foods give cause for concern
Although studies on humans have not been done, scientists are reporting a growing number of studies that examine the effects of GM foods on laboratory animals. These studies, summarized below, raise serious concerns regarding the safety of GM foods for humans as well as animals.
Small animal feeding studies
• Rats fed GM tomatoes developed stomach ulcerations8
• Liver, pancreas and testes function was disturbed in mice fed GM soya9 10 11
• GM peas caused allergic reactions in mice12
• Rats fed GM oilseed rape developed enlarged livers, often a sign of toxicity13
• GM potatoes fed to rats caused excessive growth of the lining of the gut similar to a pre-cancerous condition14 15
• Rats fed insecticide-producing GM maize grew more slowly, suffered problems with liver and kidney function, and showed higher levels of certain fats in their blood16
• Rats fed GM insecticide-producing maize over three generations suffered damage to liver and kidneys and showed alterations in blood biochemistry17
• Old and young mice fed with GM insecticide-producing maize showed a marked disturbance in immune system cell populations and in biochemical activity18
• Mice fed GM insecticide-producing maize over four generations showed a buildup of abnormal structural changes in various organs (liver, spleen, pancreas), major changes in the pattern of gene function in the gut, reflecting disturbances in the chemistry of this organ system (e.g. in cholesterol production, protein production and breakdown), and, most significantly, reduced fertility19
• Mice fed GM soya over their entire lifetime (24 months) showed more acute signs of ageing in their liver20
• Rabbits fed GM soya showed enzyme function disturbances in kidney and heart21.
Feeding studies with farm animals
Farm animals have been fed GM feed for many years. Does this mean that GM feed is safe for livestock? Certainly it means that effects are not acute and do not show up immediately. However, longer-term studies, designed to assess slow-onset and more subtle health effects of GM feed, indicate that GM feed does have adverse effects, confirming the results described above for laboratory animals.
The following problems have been found:
• Sheep fed Bt insecticide-producing GM maize over three generations showed disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system of ewes and in the liver and pancreas of their lambs22.
• GM DNA was found to survive processing and to be detectable in the digestive tract of sheep fed GM feed. This raises the possibility that antibiotic resistance and Bt insecticide genes can move into gut bacteria23, a process known as horizontal gene transfer. Horizontal gene transfer can lead to antibiotic resistant disease-causing bacteria (“superbugs”) and may lead to Bt insecticide being produced in the gut with potentially harmful consequences. For years, regulators and the biotech industry claimed that horizontal gene transfer would not occur with GM DNA, but this research challenges this claim
• GM DNA in feed is taken up by the animal’s organs. Small amounts of GM DNA appear in the milk and meat that people eat24 25 26. The effects on the health of the animals and the people who eat them have not been researched.
Do animal feeding studies highlight potential health problems for people?
Before food additives and new medicines can be tested on human subjects, they have to be tested on mice or rats. If harmful effects were to be found in these initial animal experiments, then the drug would likely be disqualified for human use. Only if animal studies reveal no harmful effects can the drug be further tested on human volunteers.
But GM crops that caused ill effects in experimental animals have been approved for commercialization in many countries. This suggests that less rigorous standards are being used to evaluate the safety of GM crops than for new medicines.
In fact, in at least one country – the United States – safety assessment of GMOs is voluntary and not required by law, although, to date, all GMOs have undergone voluntary review. In virtually all countries, safety assessment is not scientifically rigorous. For instance, the animal feeding studies that GM crop developers routinely conduct to demonstrate the safety of their products are too short in duration and use too few subjects to reliably detect important harmful effects.27
While industry conducts less than rigorous studies on its own GM products, 28 it has, in parallel, systematically and persistently interfered with the ability of independent scientists to conduct more rigorous and incisive independent research on GMOs. Comparative and basic agronomic studies on GMOs, assessments of safety and composition, and assessments of environmental impact have all been restricted and suppressed by the biotechnology industry.29 30
Patent rights linked with contracts are used to restrict access of independent researchers to commercialized GM seed. Permission to study patented GM crops is either withheld or made so difficult to obtain that research is effectively blocked. In cases where permission is finally given, biotech companies keep the right to block publication, resulting in much significant research never being published.31 32
The industry and its allies also use a range of public relations strategies to discredit and/or muzzle scientists who do publish research that is critical of GM crops.33
Are GM foods more nutritious?
There are no commercially available GM foods with improved nutritional value. Currently available GM foods are no better and in some cases are less nutritious than natural foods. Some have been proven in tests to be toxic or allergenic.
Examples include:
• GM soya had 12–14% lower amounts of cancer-fighting isoflavones than non-GM soya34
• Oilseed rape engineered to have vitamin A in its oil had much reduced vitamin E and altered oil-fat composition35
• Human volunteers fed a single GM soya bean meal showed that GM DNA can survive processing and is detectable in the digestive tract. There was evidence of horizontal gene transfer to gut bacteria36 37. Horizontal gene transfer of antibiotic resistance and Bt insecticide genes from GM foods into gut bacteria is an extremely serious issue. This is because the modified gut bacteria could become resistant to antibiotics or become factories for Bt insecticide. While Bt in its natural form has been safely used for years as an insecticide in farming, Bt toxin genetically engineered into plant crops has been found to have potential ill health effects on laboratory animals38 39 40
• In the late 1980s, a food supplement produced using GM bacteria was toxic41, initially killing 37 Americans and making more than 5,000 others seriously ill.
• Several experimental GM food products (not commercialised) were found to be harmful:
• People allergic to Brazil nuts had allergic reactions to soya beans modified with a Brazil nut gene42
• The GM process itself can cause harmful effects. GM potatoes caused toxic reactions in multiple organ systems43 44. GM peas caused a 2-fold allergic reaction – the GM protein was allergenic and stimulated an allergic reaction to other food components45. This raises the question of whether GM foods cause an increase in allergies to other substances.
Can GM foods help alleviate the world food crisis?
The root cause of hunger is not a lack of food, but a lack of access to food. The poor have no money to buy food and increasingly, no land on which to grow it. Hunger is fundamentally a social, political, and economic problem, which GM technology cannot address.
Recent reports from the World Bank and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation have identified the biofuels boom as the main cause of the current food crisis46 47. But GM crop producers and distributors continue to promote the expansion of biofuels. This suggests that their priority is to make a profit, not to feed the world.
GM companies focus on producing cash crops for animal feed and biofuels for affluent countries, not food for people.
GM crops contribute to the expansion of industrial agriculture and the decline of the small farmer around the world. This is a serious development as there is abundant evidence that small farms are more efficient than large ones, producing more crops per hectare of land48 49 50 51 52.
“The climate crisis was used to boost biofuels, helping to create the food crisis; and now the food crisis is being used to revive the fortunes of the GM industry.” Daniel Howden, Africa correspondent, The Independent (London), 200853
Do GM crops increase yield potential?
At best, GM crops have performed no better than their non-GM counterparts, with GM soya beans giving consistently lower yields for over a decade54. Controlled comparative field trials of GM/non-GM soya suggest that 50% of the drop in yield is due to the genetic disruptive effect of the GM transformation process55. Similarly, field tests of Bt insecticide-producing maize hybrids showed that they took longer to reach maturity and produced up to 12% lower yields than their non-GM counterpart56.
A US Department of Agriculture report confirms the poor yield performance of GM crops, saying, “GE crops available for commercial use do not increase the yield potential of a variety. In fact, yield may even decrease.... Perhaps the biggest issue raised by these results is how to explain the rapid adoption of GE crops when farm financial impacts appear to be mixed or even negative57.”
The failure of GM to increase yield potential was emphasised in 2008 by the United Nations International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD) report58. This report on the future of farming, authored by 400 scientists and backed by 58 governments, stated that yields of GM crops were “highly variable” and in some cases, “yields declined”. The report noted, “Assessment of the technology lags behind its development, information is anecdotal and contradictory, and uncertainty about possible benefits and damage is unavoidable.”
Failure to Yield
The definitive study to date on GM crops and yield is “Failure to Yield: Evaluating the Performance of Genetically Engineered Crops”. Published in 2009, the study is authored by former US EPA and Center for Food Safety scientist, Dr Doug Gurian-Sherman. It is based on published, peer-reviewed studies conducted by academic scientists and using adequate experimental controls.
In the study, Dr Gurian-Sherman distinguishes between intrinsic yield (also called potential yield), defined as the highest yield which can be achieved under ideal conditions, with operational yield, the yield achieved under normal field conditions when the farmer factors in crop reductions due to pests, drought, or other environmental stresses.
The study also distinguishes between effects on yield caused by conventional breeding methods and those caused by GM traits. It has become common for biotech companies to use conventional breeding and marker assisted breeding to produce higher-yielding crops and then finally to engineer in a gene for herbicide tolerance or insect resistance. In such cases, higher yields are not due to genetic engineering but to conventional breeding. “Failure to Yield” teases out these distinctions and analyses what contributions genetic engineering and conventional breeding make to increasing yield.
Based on studies on corn and soybeans, the two most commonly grown GM crops in the United States, the study concludes that genetically engineering herbicide-tolerant soybeans and herbicide-tolerant corn has not increased yields. Insect-resistant corn, meanwhile, has improved yields only marginally. The increase in yields for both crops over the last 13 years, the report finds, was largely due to traditional breeding or improvements in agricultural practices.
The author concludes: “commercial GE crops have made no inroads so far into raising the intrinsic or potential yield of any crop. By contrast, traditional breeding has been spectacularly successful in this regard; it can be solely credited with the intrinsic yield increases in the United States and other parts of the world that characterized the agriculture of the twentieth century.”59
Critics of the study have objected that it does not use data from developing countries. The Union of Concerned Scientists responds that there are few peer-reviewed papers evaluating the yield contribution of GM crops in developing countries – not enough to draw clear and reliable conclusions. However, the most widely grown food/feed crop in developing countries, herbicide-tolerant soybeans, offers some hints. Data from Argentina, which has grown more GM soybeans than any other developing country, suggest that yields for GM varieties are the same or lower than for conventional non-GE soybeans.60
“If we are going to make headway in combating hunger due to overpopulation and climate change, we will need to increase crop yields,” says Dr Gurian-Sherman. “Traditional breeding outperforms genetic engineering hands down.”61
If GM cannot improve intrinsic (potential) yield even in the affluent United States, where high-input, irrigated, heavily subsidized farming is the norm, it would seem irresponsible to assume that it would improve yields in the developing world, where increased food production is most needed. Initiatives promoting GM crops for the developing world are experimental and appear to be founded on expectations that are not consistent with data obtained in the West.
In the West, crop failure is often underwritten by governments, which bail out farmers with compensation. Such support systems are rare in the developing world. There, farmers may literally bet their farms and their entire livelihoods on a crop. Failure can have severe consequences.
Three GM crops for Africa
GM sweet potato
The virus-resistant sweet potato has been the ultimate GM showcase project for Africa, generating a vast amount of global media coverage. Florence Wambugu, the Monsanto-trained scientist fronting the project, has been proclaimed an African heroine and the saviour of millions, based on her claims about the GM sweet potato doubling output in Kenya. Forbes magazine even declared her one of a tiny handful of people around the globe who would “reinvent the future”.62 It eventually emerged, however, that the claims being made for the GM sweet potato were untrue, with field trial results showing the GM crop to be a failure.63 64
In contrast with the unproven GM sweet potato variety, a successful conventional breeding programme in Uganda had produced a new high-yielding variety which is virus-resistant and has “raised yields by roughly 100%”. The Ugandan project achieved success at a small cost and in just a few years. The GM sweet potato, in contrast, in over 12 years in the making, consumed funding from Monsanto, the World Bank, and USAID to the tune of $6 million.65
GM cassava
The potential of genetic engineering to massively boost the production of cassava – one of Africa’s most important foods – by defeating a devastating virus has been heavily promoted since the mid-1990s. There has even been talk of GM solving hunger in Africa by increasing cassava yields as much as tenfold.66 But almost nothing appears to have been achieved. Even after it became clear that the GM cassava had suffered a major technical failure67, media stories continued to appear about its curing hunger in Africa.68 69 Meanwhile, conventional (non-GM) plant breeding has quietly produced virus resistant cassavas that are already making a remarkable difference in farmers’ fields, even under drought conditions.70
Bt cotton
In Makhatini, South Africa, often cited as the showcase Bt cotton project for small farmers, 100,000 hectares were planted with Bt cotton in 1998. By 2002, that had crashed to 22,500 hectares, an 80% reduction in 4 years. By 2004, 85% of farmers who used to grow Bt cotton had given up. The farmers found pest problems and no increase in yield. Those farmers who still grew the crop did so at a loss, continuing only because the South African government subsidized the project and there was a guaranteed market for the cotton.71
A study published in Crop Protection journal concluded, “cropping Bt cotton in Makhathini Flats did not generate sufficient income to expect a tangible and sustainable socioeconomic improvement due to the way the crop is currently managed. Adoption of an innovation like Bt cotton seems to pay only in an agro-system with a sufficient level of intensification.”72
How will climate change impact agriculture?
Industrial agriculture is a major contributor to global warming, producing up to 20 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions, and some methods of increasing yield can exacerbate this negative impact. For example, crops that achieve higher intrinsic yield often need more fossil fuel-based nitrogen fertilizer, some of which is converted by soil microbes into nitrous oxide, a greenhouse gas nearly 300 times more potent than carbon dioxide. Minimizing global agriculture’s future climate impact will require investment in systems of agriculture less dependent on industrial fertilizers and agroecological methods of improving soil water-holding capacity and resilience.
GM seeds are created by agrochemical companies and are heavily dependent on costly external inputs such as synthetic fertilizer, herbicides, and pesticides. It would seem risky to promote such crops in the face of climate change.
Peak oil and agriculture
According to some analysts, peak oil, when the maximum rate of global petroleum extraction is reached, has already arrived. This will have drastic effects on the type of agriculture we practise. GM crops are designed to be used with synthetic herbicides and fertilizers. But synthetic pesticides are made from oil and synthetic fertilizer from natural gas. Both these fossil fuels are running out fast, as are phosphates, a major ingredient of synthetic fertilizers.
Farming based on the current US GM and chemical model that depends on these fossil fuel-based inputs will become increasingly expensive and unsustainable. The statistics tell the story:
In the US food system, 10 kcal of fossil energy is required for every kcal of food consumed.73
• Approximately 7.2 quads of fossil energy are consumed in the production of crops and livestock in the U.S. each year.74 75
• Approximately 8 million kcal/ha are required to produce an average corn crop and other similar crops.76
• Two-thirds of the energy used in crop production is for fertilizers and mechanization.77
Proven technologies that can reduce the amount of fossil energy used in farming include reducing fertilizer applications, selecting farm machinery appropriate for each task, managing soil for conservation, limiting irrigation, and organic farming techniques.78
In the Rodale Institute Farming Systems Trial (FST), a comparative analysis of energy inputs conducted by Dr David Pimentel of Cornell University found that organic farming systems use just 63% of the energy required by conventional farming systems, largely because of the massive amounts of energy required to synthesize nitrogen fertilizer, followed by herbicide production.79
Studies show that the low-input organic model of farming works well in African countries. The Tigray project in Ethiopia, part-funded by the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), compared yields from the application of compost and chemical fertilizer in farmers’ fields over six years. The results showed that compost can replace chemical fertilizers and that it increased yields by more than 30 percent on average. As side-benefits to using compost, the farmers noticed that the crops had better resistance to pests and disease and that there was a reduction in “difficult weeds”.80
GM crops and climate change
Climate change brings sudden, extreme, and unpredictable changes in weather. If we are to survive, the crop base needs to be as flexible, resilient and diverse as possible. GM technology offers just the opposite – a narrowing of crop diversity and an inflexible technology that requires years and millions of dollars in investment for each new variety.
Each GM crop is tailor-made to fit a particular niche. With climate change, no one knows what kind of niches will exist and where. The best way to insure against the destructive effects of climate change is to plant a wide variety of high-performing crops that are genetically diverse.
GM companies have patented plant genes that they believe are involved in tolerance to drought, heat, flooding, and salinity – but have not succeeded in using these genes to produce a single new crop with these properties. This is because these functions are highly complex and involve many different genes working together in a precisely regulated way. It is beyond existing GM technology to engineer crops with these sophisticated, delicately regulated gene networks for improved tolerance traits.
Conventional natural cross-breeding, which works holistically, is much better adapted to achieving this aim, using the many varieties of virtually every common crop that tolerate drought, heat, flooding, and salinity.
In addition, advances in plant breeding have been made using marker-assisted selection (MAS), a largely uncontroversial branch of biotechnology that can speed up the natural breeding process by identifying important genes. MAS does not involve the risks and uncertainties of genetic engineering.
The controversies that exist around MAS relate to gene patenting issues. It is important for developing countries to consider the implications of patent ownership relating to such crops.
Non-GM successes for niche crops
If it is accepted that niche speciality crops may be useful in helping adaptation to climate change, there are better ways of creating them than genetic engineering. Conventional breeding and marker-assisted selection have produced many advances in breeding speciality crops, though these have garnered only a fraction of the publicity given to often speculative claims of GM miracles.
An example of such a non-GM success is the “Snorkel” rice that adapts to flooding by growing longer stems, preventing the crop from drowning.81 While genetic engineering was used as a research tool to identify the desirable genes, only conventional breeding – guided by Marker Assisted Selection – was used to generate the Snorkel rice line. Snorkel rice is entirely non-GM. This is an excellent example of how the whole range of biotechnology tools, including GM, can be used most effectively to work with the natural breeding process to develop new crops that meet the critical needs of today.
Are GM crops environmentally friendly?
Two kinds of GM crops dominate the marketplace:
• Crops that resist broad-spectrum (kill-all) herbicides such as Roundup. These are claimed to enable farmers to spray herbicide less frequently to kill weeds but without killing the crop
• Crops that produce the insecticide Bt toxin. These are claimed to reduce farmers’ need for chemical insecticide sprays.
Both claims require further analysis.
GM crops and herbicide use
The most commonly grown herbicide-resistant GM crops are engineered to be resistant to Roundup. But the increasing use of Roundup has led to the appearance of numerous weeds resistant to this herbicide82. Roundup resistant weeds are now common and include pigweed83, ryegrass84, and marestail85. As a result, in the US, an initial drop in average herbicide use after GM crops were introduced has been followed by a large increase as farmers were forced to change their farming practices to kill weeds that had developed resistance to Roundup86 87. Farmers have increased radically the amounts of Roundup applied to their fields and are being advised to use increasingly powerful mixtures of multiple herbicides and not Roundup alone88 89.
All of these chemicals are toxic and a threat to both the farmers who apply them and the people and livestock that eat the produce. This is the case even for Roundup, which has been shown to have a range of damaging cellular effects indicating toxicity at levels similar to those found on crops engineered to be resistant to the herbicide90.
A Canadian government study in 2001 showed that after just 4-5 years of commercial growing, herbicide-resistant GM oilseed rape (canola) had cross-pollinated to create “superweeds” resistant to up to three different broad-spectrum herbicides. These superweeds have become a serious problem for farmers both within91 92 and outside their fields93.
In addition, GM oilseed rape has also been found to cross-pollinate with and pass on its herbicide resistant genes to related wild plants, for example, charlock and wild radish/turnip. This raises the possibility that these too may become superweeds and difficult for farmers to control94. The industry’s response has been to recommend use of higher amounts and complex mixtures of herbicides95 96 and to start developing crops resistant to additional or multiple herbicides. These developments are clearly creating a chemical treadmill that would be especially undesirable for farmers in developing countries.
Insecticide-producing GM crops
Bt insecticide-producing GM crops have led to resistance in pests, resulting in rising chemical applications97 98 99.
In China and India, Bt cotton was initially effective in suppressing the boll weevil. But secondary pests, especially mirids and mealy bugs, that are highly resistant to Bt toxin, soon took its place. The farmers suffered massive crop losses and had to apply costly pesticides, wiping out their profit margins100 101 102 103. Such developments are likely to be more damaging to farmers in developing countries, who cannot afford expensive inputs.
The claim that Bt GM crops reduce pesticide use is disingenuous, since Bt crops are in themselves pesticides. Prof Gilles-Eric Séralini of the University of Caen, France states: “Bt plants, in fact, are designed to produce toxins to repel pests. Bt brinjal (eggplant/aubergine) produces a very high quantity of 16-17mg toxin per kg. They affect animals. Unfortunately, tests to ascertain their effect on humans have not been conducted.”104
GM crops and wildlife
Farm-scale trials sponsored by the UK government showed that the growing of herbicide-resistant GM crops (sugar beet, oilseed rape) can reduce wildlife populations105 106.
The case of Argentina
In Argentina, the massive conversion of agriculture to GM soya production has had disastrous effects on rural social and economic structures. It has damaged food security and caused a range of environmental problems, including the spread of herbicide-resistant weeds, soil depletion, and increased pests and diseases107 108.
GM crops and non-target insects and organisms
Bt insecticide-producing GM crops harm non-target insect populations, including butterflies109 110 111 and beneficial pest predators112. Bt insecticide released from GM crops can also be toxic to water life113 and soil organisms114. One study reveals more negative than positive impacts on beneficial insects from GM Bt insecticide-producing crops.115
Can GM and non-GM crops co-exist?
The biotech industry argues that farmers should be able to choose to plant GM crops if they wish. It says GM and non-GM crops can peacefully “co-exist”. But experience in North America has shown that “coexistence” of GM and non-GM crops rapidly results in widespread contamination of non-GM crops.
This not only has significant agroecological effects, but also serious economic effects, damaging the ability of organic farmers to receive premiums, and blocking export markets to countries that have strict regulations regarding GM contamination.
Contamination occurs through cross-pollination, spread of GM seed by farm machinery, and inadvertent mixing during storage. The entry of GM crops into a country removes choice – everyone is gradually forced to grow GM crops or to have their non-GM crop contaminated.
Here are a few examples of GM contamination incidents:
• In 2006 GM rice grown for only one year in field trials was found to have widely contaminated the US rice supply and seed stocks116. Contaminated rice was found as far away as Africa, Europe, and Central America. In March 2007 Reuters reported that US rice export sales were down by around 20 percent from those of the previous year as a result of the GM contamination117.
• In Canada, contamination from GM oilseed rape has made it virtually impossible to cultivate organic, non-GM oilseed rape118
• US courts reversed the approval of GM alfalfa because it threatened the existence of non-GM alfalfa through cross-pollination119
• Organic maize production in Spain has dropped significantly as the acreage of GM maize production has increased, because of cross-pollination problems120
• In 2009, the Canadian flax seed export market to Europe collapsed following the discovery of widespread contamination with an unauthorized GM variety121.
• In 2007 alone, there were 39 new instances of GM contamination in 23 countries, and 216 incidents have been reported since 2005122.
Alternatives to GM
Many authoritative sources, including the IAASTD report on the future of agriculture123, have found that GM crops have little to offer global agriculture and the challenges of poverty, hunger and climate change, because better alternatives are available. These go by many names, including integrated pest management (IPM), organic, sustainable, low-input, non-chemical pest management (NPM) and agroecological farming, but extend beyond the boundaries of any particular category. Projects employing these sustainable strategies in the developing world have produced dramatic increases in yields and food security124 125 126 127 128 129.
Strategies employed include:
• Sustainable, low-input, energy-saving practices that conserve and build soil, conserve water, and enhance natural pest resistance and resilience in crops
• Innovative farming methods that minimise or eliminate costly chemical pesticides and fertilizers
• Use of thousands of traditional varieties of each major food crop, which are naturally adapted to stresses such as drought, heat, harsh weather conditions, flooding, salinity, poor soil, and pests and diseases130
• Use of existing crops and their wild relatives in traditional breeding programmes to develop varieties with useful traits
• Programmes that enable farmers to cooperatively preserve and improve traditional seeds
• Use of beneficial and holistic aspects of modern biotechnology, such as Marker Assisted Selection (MAS), which uses the latest genetic knowledge to speed up traditional breeding131. Unlike GM technology, MAS can safely produce new varieties of crops with valuable, genetically complex properties such as enhanced nutrition, taste, yield potential, resistance to pests and diseases, and tolerance to drought, heat, salinity, and flooding132.
Organic and low-input methods improve yields in Africa
There seems little reason to gamble with the livelihoods of poor farmers by persuading them to grow experimental GM crops when tried-and-tested, inexpensive methods of increasing food production are readily available. Several recent studies have shown that low-input methods such as organic can dramatically improve yields in African countries, along with other benefits. Such methods have the advantage of being knowledge-based rather than costly input-based. As a result they are more accessible to poor farmers than the more expensive technologies (which often have not helped in the past).
A 2008 United Nations report, “Organic Agriculture and Food Security in Africa”, looked at 114 farming projects in 24 African countries and found that organic or near-organic practices resulted in a yield increase of more than 100 percent. In East Africa, a yield increase of 128 percent was found.133 The Foreword to the study states: “The evidence presented in this study supports the argument that organic agriculture can be more conducive to food security in Africa than most conventional production systems, and that it is more likely to be sustainable in the long term.”134
Organic and low-input methods improve farmer incomes in developing countries
Poverty is a major contributory factor to food insecurity. According to the 2008 United Nations report, “Organic Agriculture and Food Security in Africa”, organic farming has a positive impact on poverty in a variety of ways. Farmers benefit from:
• cash savings, as organic farming does not require costly pesticides and fertilizers;
• extra incomes gained by selling the surplus produce (resulting from the change to organic);
• premium prices for certified organic produce, obtained primarily in Africa for export but also for domestic markets; and
• added value to organic products through processing activities.
These findings are backed up by studies from Asia and Latin America that concluded that organic farming can reduce poverty in an environmentally friendly way.135
A recent study found that certified organic farms involved in production for export were significantly more profitable than those involved in conventional production (in terms of net farm income earnings).136 Of these cases, 87 per cent showed increases in farmer and household incomes as a result of becoming organic, which contributed to reducing poverty levels and to increasing regional food security.
Who owns the technology?
In considering which agricultural technologies will most benefit the developing world, it is crucial to ask who owns those technologies. The “Gene Revolution” that is proposed for Africa will be rolled out via public-private partnerships. The public side of such partnerships will be provided by Africa, whereas the private side will be provided by biotechnology companies based in the United States and Europe.
The transgenes used in creating GM crops are patented and owned by biotech companies. In the United States and Canada, companies have launched lawsuits against farmers whose crops were alleged to contain a company’s patented GM genes. Farmers’ claims that they have not intentionally planted GM crops have proved no defence in court against large fines being imposed.
When farmers buy GM seed, they sign a technology agreement promising not to save and replant seed. They have to buy new seed each year from the biotech company, thus transferring control of food production from farmers to seed companies. Consolidation of the seed industry increasingly means that farmers have little choice but to buy GM seed. Centuries of farmer knowledge that went into creating locally adapted and varied seed stocks are wiped out.
In contrast, low-input and organic farming methods do not involve patented technologies. Control of food production remains in the hands of farmers, keeping farmer skills alive and favouring food security.
GM crop technologies do not offer significant benefits. On the contrary, they present risks to human and animal health, the environment, farmers, food security, and export markets. There is no convincing reason to take such risks with the livelihoods of farmers when proven successful and widely acceptable alternatives are readily and cheaply available. These alternatives will maintain the independence of the food supply from foreign multinational control and offer the best insurance against the challenges of climate change.
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